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What Will Millennial Leadership Development Look Like in 3 Years?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in just three years, 46% of the global workforce will be Millennials. 53% of them aspire to be the leader or most senior executive in the organization. With a strong desire to integrate work, life, and play, opportunities to be change agents, commit to a cause and communicate effectively excite and motivate these leaders. Feedback is a fuel that lights their ignition.

My colleague Tolu and I are delivering a webinar class on the importance of coaching for the millennial leader, the environmental and cultural criteria needed for successful in-house coaching and the benefits of partnering with a corporate coach.

The desires of the millennial leader aren’t limited to this category of people; however, more importance is being given to this group because the numbers require us not to ignore. Millennial leaders are most productive when they can connect to a cause and a why. releases studies that highlight the frequency and desire of people who relocate across the country for an opportunity to work in an environment where they feel valued, connected and that they have a sense of fulfillment.

Feedback is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for the millennial leader. Never underestimate the power of a 1:1 conversation. Effective coaching fulfills this need and bridges the gap between leadership development needs and wants.

Coaching is the new leadership development.

Coaching is a partnership built on purpose and trust. It is not to be confused with therapy as coaching focuses on the future, while therapy focuses on the past.

As an external coach, most of my clients love working with me because they know and feel that I provide powerfully authentic environments of inclusion and trust. This can often be hard to find in an organization; however, with the right mindset, culture and leadership buy-in, it can be possible and is very successful. This was one the reasons I was so intrigued by my colleague, Tolu’s experience. As a resident coach, he experienced pros and cons, and was able to share best practices.

Coaching is the new leadership development.

  • 72% improved communication skills
  • 61% improved business management
  • 51% improved team effectiveness

These are a few of the benefits coaching can provide. According to an International Coaching Federation study, 96% of people who have been coached said they would repeat the process. For me, it’s a no-brainer. I have grown and continue to grow under the skilled direction of a coach.

Tolu, and I developed a whitepaper specifically around this topic for HR leaders and executives, and we also created a Leadership Development Mastermind only available to 10 leaders. To download the whitepaper, and sign up for the Mastermind, visit Leadership Development Mastermind.